43221 Queen Elizabeth Sixth form college

43221 Queen Elizabeth Sixth form college

Monday, 28 February 2011

Week commencing 21st Feb - Half Term

Over half term I had to work on getting my posters finished. I chose to do these because I have the photoshoop software at home and don't have InDesign so thought I could finish the magazine work the week after at college as the software is avaliable there. I had the images prepared previously so I needed to work on getting the layout correct then adding the text and and any other images. Once I got the text right for one poster I thought that it would be best to then copy this onto the other two to make sure that they were identical to make them all match and look better. I think the work has gone well as they are almost finished they just need a few final effects adding to make them look their best. these images show where they are at the moment. I have changed from my schedule slightly due to the the software avaliable however I should still be on track to complete everything on time. I think my client will be happy with the work I have done this week as they would be able to see the campaign beginning to come together.

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