43221 Queen Elizabeth Sixth form college

43221 Queen Elizabeth Sixth form college

Monday, 7 February 2011

Photo Shoot Material

  This is an example of the images taken of the teenage boy for the shoot. The body language for this image is supposed to create a hostile feeling as he knows he has done wrong and but is ashamed so doesnt want to make contact with people. I used narrrow lighitng in order to add some shadow to create a slightly darker feeling as he is a bad character. I added a soft box to the fill light in order to make it less harsh and bright to help add to the darker lighting feeling. We also tried moving it too slightly different angles to try different lighting. His eye line and face are directed away from the camera to make him less confruntational to the audience.

For the police man I wanted to make him more authoritative, so made his shots face on. But this also meant that the audience could see his face and become aware of him so that he would be known and a help to them if they had any trouble. I used paramount lighting for this and we experimented with the fill light to change the amount of shoadow uder the chin and the hat. By using this lighting it also meant that it lit his reflective badge well to make it clear which force he belonged to. His pose is relaxed yet strong to show that he is a powerful figure.

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