43221 Queen Elizabeth Sixth form college

43221 Queen Elizabeth Sixth form college

Monday, 14 February 2011

Photo Shoot Material 2

This image is for the magazine article which will be the real life story about someone who used to be involved in anti scoail behaviour but has managed to turn his life around. This is supposed to be from when he was bad and had quite a thuggish attitude. I wanted him to look quite dark and have hostile feel to him. I chose to do a close up shot in order to focus the attention on his balck eye to show the readers what trouble he got himself into, this also allowed for a darker and more shadow based image to be taken. In the shoot we experimneted with both narrow and broad lighting to see which would show off the eye best. This image shows the use of broad lighting however I am not sure which image i am going to use yet so which lighting the final picture will use. I wanted aplain facial expressi9on so this didn't look like a posy photo and more like an image which may have been taken by the police to record his injuries.
This image will be for the no more chances article. In this I have the same models showing them just like they are business people and also like they have got a degree. I wanted a relaxed body language as this is just showing what you can get and wasn't conveying a particular message as such. the shot distance is quite far as this allowed be to get full body shots which wasn't possible for a close up. I went for a lighting which would compliment the model most and would create a bright happy feeling that would represent her feelings in recieveing her degree. I used a degree scroll for the prop as I felt this would be the most obvious thing after a cap and gown which I was unable to get. The white and red of this were placed infornt of the black clothes in orer to create contrast to make them stand out and be easily seen so that at first glance people would know what the image was about. For the image of the male I followed the same look however chose to create a little more shadow as this looked better for him.


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