For the week commencing the 31st Jan my schedule said that I would be completing my first photo shoot to get the material for the three posters. I was successful in doing this as I completed the photo shoot on Friday and managed to gain successful images which I will be able to use for my products.

As the photoshoot wasn't until the end of the week and I had a number of free days I decided to use these well and complete some of next weeks work to give me more time to work on my posters. I managed to create the templates for three of the pages from my magazine and write and complete one of the articles meaning that one double page spread is close to completion. The contents page has it layout complete and some text added however it still needs completing with images etc.
As can be seen from the previous post, the photo shoot produced some good material which I will be able to edit and place into my posters next week.
Everything went to plan with the photo shoot, my models all arrived when asked to and brought what was needed. They were very co-operating so that really helped things go well meaning I didn't have to use any contigency planning.
I was lucky enough to speak to my client this week as he took part in my photo shoot and he said that he liked the look of my work and that he was looking forward to seeing the end product so I think they would be happy with my wrok for this week.
My products are beginning to take shape now so I feel I have made progress however I am going to have to use my frees and lunch times well and come and do extra work otherwise I probably will not reach the deadline.